~ Heritage GoGo ~


Monday, November 1, 2010

Street - Duddell Street StePs and Gas LAmps

The Duddell Street Steps was built between 1875 and 1889 and bounded by Ice House Street andQueen's Road . It was ended a flight of granite steps at its southern.
First of all, let me tell you about the name of the street. It was named for a English businessman--George Duddell. In 1844, Duddell arrived in HongKong and run opium business, then changed to operate ironmongery and bakery. Because of the hot weather and no natural ices provided in HongKong, the europeans cannot get used to it. With other English businessmen, Duddell provided some hospitals and welfare societies with the natural ices. George Duddell was ultimately a signficant property owner in Ice House Street in the mid-19th century and he remained good relationship with HongKong government, the government decided to commemorate him with a street name--that is Duddell Street.

What attracted most people in that street is the four gas-powered street lamps. As we know, all street lamps are now electric in HongKong, however, these four remain using gas and are operated by HongKong and China Gas Company on the ground of historical interest.

The gas lamps are really scarce in HongKong, even in the urban, it worths to pay a vist and take photos there.

What is more, if you want to know the exact location of Duddell street, donot hesitate to browse into the google maps of Duddell Street.


Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ha,ha,halloween, we are waiting for your scream......this song has accompanied us more than a month, which is from the TV advertising of Ocean Park to promote the halloween event.
5,4,3,2,1.......Halloween is coming now!

 Everyone is busy to celebrate this “horrible” festival and I am obsessed by its special games and activities.
For instance,the most common one is treat-or-trick, also known as guising, is an activity for children in which they proceed from house to house, children can ask for treats like candies with questions.

The otherone is apple bobbing, in which apples float in a tub or a large basin of water and the participants must use their teeth to remove an apple from the basin.
Besides, some games traditionally played at Halloween are form of divination. A traditional Scottish form of divining one's future spouse is to carve an apple in one long strip, then toss the peel over one's shoulder. The peel is believed to land in the shape of the first letter of the future spouse's name.
Moreover, there is a tale of unmarried women. If they sit in a darkened room and gaze into a mirror on Halloween night, the face of their future husband will appear in the mirror. However, if they are destined to die before marriage, a skull will appear.
I found those legends interesting and I want to have a special Halloween party!
These photos are taken from disneyland where has special event to celebrelate this exciting festival!!!~~
                                                                                                   --BY KATHERINE YEUNG

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Building - Murray House

Murray House was used as an army quarters for the British Officers when it was built in Central in 1846 where the Bank of China Tower now stands. It is one of the oldest examples of Western architecture in Hong Kong. Murray House was dismantled in 1982 with its stones and components numbered and marked for its re-construction. 

After 15years in storage following ASD’s careful dismanting stone by stone in anticipation of a possible new home, it was offered a waterfront location at Stanley for rebuilding. The reconstruction work was eventually embarked in 1997. With the objective of outset to maintain the appearance of Murray House, including the surrounding verandahs, the 3000 preceved stones were first carefully examinated, dimensions measured and condition recorded. A real size mock up as trial assembly of a selected corner of the building from old materials kept was also done before carrying out the genuine reconstruction at Ma Hang.

The rebuilding was completed in the year2000 as part of Ma Hang Valley redevelopment by Housing Department. Nowadays it become  one of the poplular atrractions to tourists.

My reflection
  I have visited Murray House once with my family when I was young and my parents told me that. It is a beautiful place because it was just completed the re-construction, everything is clean and new. The environment is good and there is a good sea view. Actually I don’t remember much about that place but everyone should visit at least once because it is part of our Hong Kong history and this new Murray House examined that how to conservate some historical building in a meaningful way.
--- Jovy Tam

I have been Murray House three months ago. Outside the house, you can see that so many people like taking photos, because the view of Murray House is good. At night, there will be a romantic place for couple. They can have a seat there and face to the sea, or walk along the harbor and chat with each other etc. The atmosphere can increase the relationship for couple, family etc. Also, one thing I like most which is the air. It is fresh and I can breathe deeply. Inside the house, the design of it is very attractive, just like the old western style. People can choose the restaurant in it, but it must be an expensive meal. HAHA
--- Mable Chiu

Here are some photoes for you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Helloween (Spectial Event)

At the end of October, people will ready to celebrate one of the special festivals every year. DO you know what the special festival is? YES, that is ---- [Halloween].
I think that Halloween is very interesting festival. It is because in that day, people will ask someone: [trick or treat]? If the person doesn’t want to have badly lucky at the year, they will give some candies to person who asks the question. Therefore, I can collect lots of chocolates or candies in that day. Also, lots of the celebration will hold in Hong Kong, examples, Ocean Park and Hong Kong Disneyland. Hong Kong’s biggest theme park is also host to one of the biggest Halloween celebration in town. It is boasting the biggest Halloween bash in Asia, with 400 costumed characters, 20 haunted attractions as well as street shows and entertainment. And in Hong Kong Disneyland, there will have some famous costumes celebrate the Halloween with you such as, Mickey, Donald and Goofy. There is also a dedicated Halloween Parade, featuring stars such as Jack the Pumpkin King. An absolute must for those who packed the kids. I hope you can enjoy the special moment in Hong Kong and don’t miss the chances.
---Change Kwok
Here are some photoes about Helloween. Hope you can find the helloween's atmosphere via these photo^^
<-- Helloween in Disneyland

<-- Helloween in Ocean Park

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Transport - Rickshaw

Today, the heritage topic is about transport.
Hong Kong transport has a big connection. You can use them anywhere.
However, one of the transport you may never see, never seat.
That is today topic "Rickshaw" (人力車).

In the past, Rickshaws were a human-powered transport. A rickshaw puller, the man who runs to drive, draws a two-wheeled cart which seats one or two persons. Rickshaws were made with bamboo. It came from Asia where they were mainly used as means of transportation for the social elite.

Runner-pulled rickshaws have mainly been replaced by cycle rickshaws and auto rickshaws. The term "rickshaw" is today commonly used for those vehicles as well.

The word "rickshaw" originates from the Japanese word jinrikisha (人力車, jin = human, riki = power or force, sha = vehicle), which literally means "human-powered vehicle".

Rickshaws were first imported to Hong Kong from Japan in 1874. They were a popular form of transport for many years, peaking at more than 3,000 in the 1920s. However, after World War II, it was not that popular. No new licenses for rickshaws have been issued since 1975. About 1980, only a few old men still want to continuous their trade, mainly focus on tourists. Nowadays, there are only 3 to 4 cars in Hong Kong Island and only can take photo. 
 Some Photo about Rickshaw

Although we cannot use this to travel now, the bus company think of a new plan.
Here i find a video.

After you watch the video, do you want to try this ? 

My Answer is " Yes".
How about you?

My reflection
Rickshaw is a special Hong Kong Heritage for me. Although i cannot use it now, it still have its value  of history. If i have a chance to seat it, i would try it. This must be a deep memory in my life. For the rickshaw puller, I feel sorry that they were so hard. They use their power and energy to serve people. I am pround of you. For the new plan of bus company, i must say that this is a good idea. It can help us to know more about Hong Kong Heritage. Also, it can show the special feature of the transportation. Hope this idea would be successful. ^^


--- Mable Chiu